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Lions’ Sports Update: November 6

Both our basketball and flag football seasons open this week. Our 8th/7th grade girls play their first game on Monday, November 12th, and our 6th grade boys and lower school flag football teams have a full schedule on Saturday, November 10th.

Sixth grade girls and lower school basketball registration is open until December 3rd. Register here and make sure to choose your grade, select TCS as your school, and say yes to a uniform. All practice and game dates are available on RenWeb’s calendar section. Middle school athletes please remember to turn in your washed TCS uniform in a bag marked with your name.  

Middle School
Our 8th/7th grade girls’ team opens the season on Monday, November 12th, 4:00 p.m.; Trinity Prep.
Next game:
8th/7th grade girls basketball Tuesday, November 13, 5:15 p.m.; Trinity Prep.
Flag Football
The 6th grade boys’ flag football team is ready to hit the field in their opening game on Saturday, November 10, 10:05 a.m. at Trotters Park, Field #6.

Lower School
Flag Football
Opening Games at Trotters Park
Saturday, November 10
1st/K grade– 9:00 a.m.; Trotters Park Field #1
2nd grade Gold- 12:15 p.m.; Trotters Park Field #1
2nd grade Green-12:15 p.m.; Trotters Park Field #1
3rd grade 10:05 a.m.; Trotters Park Field #3
4th grade- 10:05 a.m.; Trotters Park Field #4
5th grade-12:15 p.m.; Trotters Park Field #5

Please check RenWeb for all athletic contests, announcements, forms and information.
Forms and information flyers can be found under Resource Documents.
For all athletic questions please contact Coach Wiborg.

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