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A Mind for Math

The Christ School welcomes Denise Mathis as our 7th and 8th grade math teacher. “I have always enjoyed math,” says Denise. “I believe that God has given me the ability to break a problem down into steps in order to model how to solve it. I love teaching math because it has a type of process and order to it. In Genesis, at the beginning of creation, we see that God did everything in an orderly manner. As a result, I see God in math because it is done in an orderly manner.”

“I am always looking for new material to bring math to life for my students,” says Denise. “Currently, I found ‘Facing Math,’ which allows students to review concepts while creating a piece of art based upon their answers. These are the pictures that are currently hanging outside my room. I hope you will stop by and see them!”

In addition to teaching, Denise leads a middle school advisory group at TCS. “It is great to get to know the girls in my group on a personal level. We share and grow closer,” she says.

“So far I have really enjoyed teaching at The Christ School,” says Denise. “I love how supportive everyone is here. Everyone truly cares.”

Denise and her husband Don have been married for 32 years. “I married the love of my life who I met my senior year of high school,” she says. “I always look forward to “date nights” with my husband. We love to find good seafood restaurants and then have dessert afterward.”

“I have two boys (young men) who are everything to me. My oldest is a mechanical engineer and works for FedEx. My youngest is finishing up his triple minor: youth ministry, theater, and electronic media from Evangel University.”

Denise continues, “My boys fell in love with the sport of bowling when they were in high school. As a result, I still love to watch them bowl and watch bowling on TV with my family (since I know so much more about it and have a higher degree of respect for it). My oldest is currently a certified Bronze Level Coach for bowling.”

Denise shares her favorite Bible verse: Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a purpose.

“I raised my own children based upon this verse and believe it is true for every student. As a parent and an educator, it is important to come alongside each child to help them discover God’s purpose/plan in their life,” she says.


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