Ben Tanner School Pictures
School pictures are almost here! Grades 3-5 will have both group and individual pictures taken on Tuesday, September, 18th, and k-2 will occur on Wednesday, September. 19th. Middle School photos are scheduled for Thursday, September, 20th. Dress uniforms are required for pictures, so during picture week, each student should plan to wear a dress uniform on the assigned picture day instead of Monday.
In an effort to provide the best opportunity for photo ready students, lower school classes will not go to recess before their pictures, but will have time outside that afternoon. Eighth grade students may wear church (dressy) clothes. Girls who choose to wear a spaghetti strap dress must wear a jacket or sweater to class, but may remove it for pictures. They are welcome to change into a school uniform after pictures.
Group pictures will be taken in the sanctuary immediately following chapel with individual photos following in Allen Hall. We hope to have most classes completed before lunch and make-ups will be done on Friday. The photographer will be providing details on how to select and place your order using an on-line system.