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The Christ School 8th Grade Student Wins Local and District Award

The Christ School celebrates 8th grade student Alejandra Gonzalez-Acosta, who was chosen as the winner of the Barnes & Noble “My Favorite Teacher” contest.  Miss Gonzalez-Acosta was chosen as both the local winner at the Barnes & Noble store on Colonial Drive in Orlando, and as the District Barnes & Noble winner.

The Barnes & Noble “My Favorite Teacher” contest was open to students in middle and high school. Students were invited to write an essay, poem, or thank you letter sharing how a teacher has influenced their life and why they appreciate and admire them.

Miss Gonzalez-Acosta wrote an essay on her favorite teacher at The Christ School, Mrs. Tracy Sheldon, who teaches 7th and 8th grade Language Arts. Miss Gonzalez-Acosta and Mrs. Sheldon were recognized during a teacher appreciation reception at the Barnes & Noble store on Colonial Drive.

“I felt compelled to write about Mrs. Sheldon because she treats everyone fairly and always encourages everyone to do their best,” says Miss Gonzalez-Acosta. “She is also very optimistic and easy to talk to. Even though winning feels good, what is more special to me is that I am getting to honor my school and my teacher through one of my passions, writing.”

“Alejandra is a talented writer and a gifted young woman,” says Mrs. Sheldon. “I am confident that she will achieve anything she sets her heart to because she strives for success and never gives up. More than that, she still manages to put others before herself. This is a rare quality in a child her age; a rare quality for any age as a matter of fact.  I am blessed to have received the chance to teach Alejandra and all of my students, and even more blessed to have had the opportunity to watch them grow spiritually and academically.

“It was rewarding to hear that Alejandra feels this way about me. My passion for teaching has paid off in an unusual way. It’s these moments when I realize that I truly make a difference in a child’s life, and that’s what makes teaching such a gift,” Mrs. Sheldon continues.

The Christ School is delighted to celebrate the work and dedication of our students and teachers. We thank Barnes & Noble for honoring the work of teachers, for challenging students, and for giving them an avenue to showcase their passions and talents.

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