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A big Lions’ Roar to TCS 7th grade student Sadie Hansen, who discovered a need and is making it her mission to fill it. “I was researching service opportunities and learned that many girls have to prioritize what they purchase, and feminine hygiene products were not a priority,” says Sadie. After making some calls to local high schools, she discovered that this is a problem right here in our community. “The first two schools told us that they are pretty consistently blessed with food donations, but feminine hygiene products are often just completely overlooked,” says Sadie’s mother, Donna. With that in mind, Sadie began the Sister Swan Project, dedicated to filling this important need. “In February, I put a script together and created a video to ask people for donations and tell them what we were doing,” says Sadie. “Within less than an hour, people were starting to donate money to the project and were sending products to my house!” 

Sadie began by bringing donations to Evans High School and soon realized that this need was ongoing and widespread. Additional schools have reached out to the Sister Swan Project, including elementary schools. “Since we received donations from as far away as Texas, we have even given products to a high school there,” Sadie continues. “I would like to get enough donations before the end of school this year so I can give a big supply to girls to use over the summer.”

“The Sister Swan Project means a lot to me because I know that I am making a difference in the girls’ lives,” says Sadie. “I enjoy helping people and this project helps girls to be able to go to school and do their after school activities without having to worry about being properly protected.” 

“This has been a fabulous learning experience for Sadie,” says her mother, Donna. “Not just because she’s learned about the needs of those whose life circumstances are different than ours, but she’s learned about how to attract interest to a cause, how to educate people about your mission, how to track donations, how to thank people for donations and more.” 

Their website is still under construction, but it will be ready soon! In the meantime, to learn more about the Sister Swan Project, email