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Creative Classroom

TCS 5th grade teacher, Jenny Forbes, is known for bringing her lessons to life in her classroom through hands-on projects and thoughtful activities. “My favorite thing about teaching 5th grade is the opportunity to go deeper into the curriculum and venturing out into the community on field trips to see our curriculum come to life,” she says. “For example, our trip to Tallahassee allows us to see all three branches of Government at work.”

Although she is usually doing something creative with her students including escape rooms and building math data journals, one particular activity remains close to her heart. “By far, the 5th Grade Market (STORES) project is my favorite activity that I do with my students. The project is packed with so many 21st Century learning skills and who wouldn’t love creating their very own business at 10 years old!” she smiles. “The project challenges the students to solve problems with products that they make. They create their own business proposals and welcome the entire school body on the day of the 5th Grade Market. It has proven to be a fun 5th grade memory.”

Jenny, who was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, grew up here in Orlando. “I have two wonderful parents who I dearly love and enjoy spending time with them,” says Jenny. “My older brother, Justin, is married and has four children: Noah, Sofia, Eli, and Karis. They live in St. Augustine, where Justin serves as a professor at Flagler College. My sister-in-law, Bethany, works with YoungLives, an extension of the ministry YoungLife.” When not teaching or spending time with family, Jenny enjoys organizing events and spaces, spending time with her beloved yellow lab, Mattie, and participating in escape rooms.

Jenny has been a teacher for 10 years, serving as a 2nd grade teacher for 6 years and is now in her 5th year as a 5th grade teacher. “I have always loved working with children,” she says. “I babysat when I was younger and even created an internship when I was in high school at the elementary school I attended so I could explore the opportunity of teaching. At first, I thought I wanted to be a Kindergarten teacher, but quickly realized that God calls very special people to work with a room full of 5 year olds. I have a lot of respect for Kindergarten teachers.”

Jenny continues, “Every day is an adventure as a teacher. We wear many different hats throughout our day and I see the opportunity to be a teacher as a big responsibility and a blessing at the same time. We all can probably recall those teachers who were great influences in our lives and my prayer is that I can serve as a positive role model for my students and inspire them to be their best. One of the best parts of my job is when I get to witness a child experiencing an Ah-Ha moment. It gives me such joy!”

“My favorite thing about teaching here at TCS is that I have the privilege of inviting God into our classroom and into our every event,” says Jenny. “I didn’t have the freedom at my other school and it is what ultimately drew me to TCS. The community here at TCS is special. I thoroughly enjoy working alongside and learning from my colleagues who I call my dear friends.”

Jenny shares her favorite Bible verse: Cast your anxiety onto Him because he cares.- 1 Peter 5:7

“It is reassuring to know that no matter what I will face in life, God is always there to comfort me and to help guide me through the difficult times,” says Jenny.