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Get to Know Amanda Gordon, TCS Curriculum Specialist

Amanda Gordon, TCS Curriculum Specialist, serves as a valuable member of The Christ School’s Academic Team. Through her work, our program continues to grow and thrive. We are pleased for you to get to know Amanda!

“My husband, Cameron, and I have two children, Jackson, who is in 2nd grade and Levi, who is in kindergarten,” Amanda says.  “We have recently become Disney annual pass holders which has been so much fun!  We love going on adventures, whether it be going to a theme park, staying at the beach, riding the Sunrail, visiting new cities, or exploring the great outdoors.  We also love declaring “pajama days” where we stay home all day doing things in our pajamas.”

“One of the things that has recently bonded us the most is that the kids and I all come to TCS together every day,” she notes. “How we got to this place was a total God thing; it started with finding the perfect place for Jackson to go to school. Cameron and I wanted a small, loving, Christian environment for him that would grow him into a well-rounded child.  Within days of him starting, we saw the happiest child!  Every day he came home saying how ‘awesome’ his day was.  I knew in my heart that I wanted that for myself as well.  Through a series of God-led events, I was hired as the Curriculum Specialist in July 2016 and knew that I had found my home.

“This year I’ve been stretched to lead some new initiatives, my favorite being the Middle School Houses,” Amanda continues. “The Houses give the middle school students a chance at growing together as a community filled with love, support, and new friendships. We started the year off with the House reveals, our first House competition, and the middle school retreat, all of which were huge successes!  We are about to have our second House competition this Friday.  My goal is to have the Houses continue to grow together in a loving, spirit-led community that will help nurture the students through their middle school years.  I would love for the eighth grade students to walk out of this year saying it was their best year ever at TCS!”

“Along with the Houses, I love that I get to work with all of the teachers at TCS to develop and implement curriculum and strategies to make each classroom a unique learning experience,” she says.  “I am always looking for ways to enhance and improve our curriculum to ensure optimal learning for all students at all levels.  Our awesome teachers are a huge help with this and are always trying new things to make their teaching more engaging while including the 4 C’s and growth mindset into their lessons.

“TCS is a huge part of our family.  We can’t think of a better place for our children to be than TCS.  We are seeing our children develop and stretch their minds daily in their learning environments.  I credit their teachers for the individual love and attention they feel and receive at TCS. Everyone around them nurtures, supports, loves, and grows them to become children who love God and love each other. We are confident that the foundation they are receiving here will help them become successful with whatever they choose to do in the future.

“I also can’t think of a better place to work,” Amanda continues. “I am surrounded by a community of Christ-loving individuals who pray for me, support me, love me, and help me grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. The confidence my colleagues have in me is so motivating and makes we strive to be the best I can be for TCS. My favorite part about being here is the people, all of whom I can call friends.  I love that we are rooted in prayer, whether it be praying before meetings, in our prayer groups, or just praying individually for each other. There is such a sense of peace and love knowing that God is at the center of us all.”


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