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Get to Know – Kaylin Garrett

The Christ School welcomes Kaylin Garrett, who joined our team as a second grade teacher this year. Kaylin grew up in Orlando and has fond memories of our campus when she attended the youth group at FPCO. “I chose to come to TCS to teach because I was looking for a school that had a staff and administration that would support, guide, and push me to be the best teacher I can be,” says Kaylin. “I also wanted to be at a school that had a close knit community and involved parents. TCS checked all of the boxes!  The second you walk in the door you can see the joy of the Lord through the students and staff. I am so thankful the Lord opened up a position for me at TCS. Everywhere you turn there are smiles, laughs, and hugs. This positivity and joy carries into the support that I feel each day.” 

Kaylin continues, “I have known since I was a little girl that I wanted to be a teacher, but the love for teaching really came in high school when I was a nanny and helped the  children with their homework each day. Seeing that spark in their eyes when they finally got a concept that I was teaching them was the true inspiration. That spark has continued to be one of my favorite things about teaching. I love that I am able to play such a major role in my students’ lives and get to teach them not only academics, but also to be loving and kind.”

“My favorite thing about teaching second grade is that the students have a major thirst for learning and being at school,” she says. “I love that we are mastering their foundational skills before moving onto more difficult skills. I also love the emphasis on independence in second grade. This year I look forward to growing relationships with my students and seeing them shine. I am excited about diving deeper into reading with my students as they learn more about reading to learn rather than learning to read. I also look forward to the tradition of second grade walking lunches.”

Kaylin, the youngest of four girls, enjoys spending time with her family and her new puppy. “I love to take her to the park and on walks,” she smiles.  

Kaylin shares her favorite Bible verse: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. – Philippians 4:6
“This verse has always stood out to me, and is even more prevalent in the times we are in today. I try really hard to be in constant prayer to God, no matter the circumstance,” she says.