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Get to Know – Meredith McMurtrie

The Christ School is delighted to welcome Meredith McMurtrie to our kindergarten team this year.  Meredith, a 16-year veteran kindergarten teacher, brings her knowledge, love, and enthusiasm to her classroom. “I knew from a young age I wanted to be a teacher,” says Meredith. “I was blessed with teachers who poured their love and knowledge into me and made learning purposeful and meaningful. While in college, I was a youth ministry intern. I felt that I didn’t necessarily have to work for a church full time to be in ministry, but that my classroom would be my mission field. Like St. Francis of Assisi said, ‘Share the gospel daily and, when necessary, use words.’”

“I love teaching kindergarten,” Meredith shares. “I love the giggles, hugs and endless stories and questions. I love their inquisitive minds and being able to pour truth into their minds and hearts. Many people underestimate the mind of a kindergarten child. Much too often, children are placed in a box and adults don’t expect much from them. Well, I love to show what their minds are capable of.”

“I live for the “AHA” moments,” she continues. “I love for a child to be able to explain why leaves change color in the fall or demonstrate the many ways to represent numbers including addition and subtraction facts. There is an innocence about kindergarten students, but they also have such a strong desire to be independent, yet shower me with hugs, it’s truly the perfect balance.”

This year, I especially look forward to forming relationships with my students and their families and making memories that the children will carry with them for years to come,” she says. “Although field trips and performances are heaps of fun, it’s the day to day, circle time and small group discussions where connections are made and ‘aha moments’ occur.” 

Meredith’s son Jase, much like his mom with a bright and cheerful character, has also joined TCS this year as a kindergarten student. “I saw the opportunity at The Christ School for my child to have the values and faith based education, along with a foundation of critical thinking and leadership that he will carry with him into adulthood,” says Meredith.

“There is such a loving, caring community at The Christ School,” Meredith continues. “For example, I love how Mr. Noto knows every child by name. When he comes in to join our class for chapel or sees the students in the halls, he is so purposeful with calling the children by name. To know the students are seen and loved, is a true joy. The children beam when he says their name and you can tell how meaningful it is to their little hearts.”

Meredith and her husband, Jeff, have two children, 5 year old Jase and 2 year old Sawyer. “My hobbies are anything my boys are into so right now it’s soccer, fishing, and tee ball,” she smiles. 

Meredith shares her favorite Bible verse:
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.Isaiah 43:19
“This brings me so much hope knowing that when I’m in those valleys, the Lord is working behind the scenes, steps ahead of me paving the way for me,” says Meredith.