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Get to Know – Nicole Kilpatrick

“I have always loved books and sharing my love for them with children,” says Nicole Kilpatrick, who joined The Christ School team as Media Specialist this year. “Sharing exciting stories with my students and helping them to develop a love of reading is such a joy.” Before coming to TCS, Nicole, a native of Wisconsin, taught third grade. “When I heard there was a Media Specialist position available at TCS I was excited about the opportunity. I have really enjoyed getting to work with students in various grade levels.”  

“My favorite author is Ted Dekker,” Nicole continues. “I love stories that pull you into another world and make you want to keep reading. I am excited to share my favorite children’s books with the students. I want them to discover how stories can take you to different places and allow you to  explore new worlds.” 

“As Yearbook Advisor, it has been wonderful to engage with my students and help them document all of the special moments at TCS. It is fun to see all of the things we do at our school through the eyes of my students.” she says. 

“I am enjoying being a part of The Christ School,” Nicole says. “The best part of working here are the amazing people I get to work with; the staff and the students!” 

 Nicole has many varied interests including reading, crocheting, and playing board games. “A fun fact about me is that I used to do all types of dance including aerial acrobatics!” she smiles.  

Nicole shares her favorite Bible verse:
“Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your might.” –  Ecclesiastes 9:10