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Get to Know Terra Townsend, Academic Office Assistant

     Although Terra Townsend is most often working behind the scenes in her role at The Christ School, the results of her work are very visible.  As Academic Office Assistant, Terra has many responsibilities that keep the office running smoothly, including scheduling meetings between families and staff, scheduling kindergarten assessments and substitute teachers, helping to plan academic events, and maintaining the Academic Office.  Terra also manages the student records portion of RenWeb, in addition to helping distribute report cards and organizing the summer learning materials.
     Terra has a BA in Philosophy and History, and looks forward to completing her MA in the arts of teaching this year.  Originally from Pittsburgh, PA, Terra did not plan to move to Florida. “Sometimes God picks you up and moves you,” she says. “I came to Orlando on a two-week vacation, and was helping my uncle by filling in at his church office.   During my time there, the Board of Directors at the church asked if I would interview for the full-time job of Children’s Pastor.  I got the job, and within three weeks I was living in Orlando.”
     Terra worked as a Children’s Pastor for 13 years before moving back to PA.  There, she worked as Director of Development and Admissions at Lehigh Christian Academy, a pre-K – 8 school.  A year later, her husband’s job brought the family back to Orlando.  “When I came back, I interviewed at a few different places, but ultimately, I felt that God was placing me and my children (Jude and Quinn) at TCS,” says Terra.  “I am glad to be a part of this school,” she continues.  “I see my children flourishing here.  My favorite part of working at The Christ School is starting every day with Chapel; having the opportunity to start my day by focusing on God’s word and His purpose for me.   It is a daily reminder of God’s mercies renewing every day,” she says.


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