Head of School Selected for Prestigious Fellowship
Head of School Jason Powell Ed.D. has been selected by the Van Lunen Center for Executive Management in Christian Schools at Calvin College for a 2013-2014 fellowship. He will be among educators from twenty-two schools across the United States and Canada.
The Fellows program is designed for school heads who seek professional development in their work as administrators of faith-based schools. The Van Lunen Center was established at Calvin in January 2007 and now operates with a $2.5 million endowment gift to the college from the Richard D. Van Lunen Foundation and additional funding from foundations and individual donors. Its purpose is to provide executive management education for senior leaders of schools based on the historic Christian faith (of which there are some 20,000 across the North American continent).
“Through case studies, reading, writing, interactive exercises, small group discussions, a school based project, and coaching,” Bruce Hekman, director of the Van Lunen Center said, “participants will deepen their own leadership, develop skills essential to the tasks of headship, and create deep relationships with peers and leaders. They will become more deeply prepared to craft and implement a sustainable Christian educational mission with parents, teachers and other supporting communities.”