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In Their Words: Jesus and Presents

In Their Words: Jesus and Presents

Third Grade
Mrs. Kerlek
We always go to my grandma’s on Christmas Eve. I love to watch The Grinch. When we watch The Grinch it reminds me about how Christmas isn’t about the presents; it’s about Jesus Christ and when he was born.

When we get there we will bring gifts and will exchange them. We usually get funny gifts like parrot clips and other funny stuff. We call it the elephant exchange. I like it because it reminds me how Jesus Christ came down to save us. And how he came to forgive our sins.

Second Grade
Ms. Wigle
We open presents because I love when we open presents. And I have an Elf on the Shelf. Once when I got home the elf was on the fan and I was sweating so we couldn’t turn on the fan.
I love putting the presents by the tree. I scream when I get the present I want. Just like this, “Aaaaaaaaaa!”

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