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Lions’ Sports Update May 21

Middle School
Middle School Volleyball Clinic and Try-outs
This clinic is open to our 5th-7th grade girls. Clinic dates are May 27, 28 and 29, 3:45-5:15 pm in the gym.
Registration form and information flyer can be found on Renweb under resource documents.
Volleyball try-outs for the fall 2014 season will be held Friday, May 30, 3:45-5:00 pm in the gym.

Athletic Uniforms
Middle School athletes check your closets and drawers for any TCS athletic uniforms and turn those into the office in a bag marked with your name.

Lower School
Soccer Shots
Next class is Thursday, May 22, 3:45-4:20 pm in the gym.

Congratulations to all our soccer teams and their coaches.
Way to roar Lions!

Please check Renweb for all athletic contests, announcements, forms, and information.
For all athletic questions please contact Coach Wiborg

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