Lower School Technology Update: Teenie Reddeck, Instructional Technology Specialist

Lower School Technology at TCS
Technology is an everyday reality both in our lives and in TCS classrooms. We embrace a fully-integrated technology model as part of our curriculum. That means that our kindergarten through 8th grade students experience technology everyday either with their classroom teacher or in the technology lab with both the technology instructor and classroom teacher.
Our students are using the latest technology to work on skills learned in the classroom by utilizing the most effective and appropriate software and applications available today.
In technology, students are working hard in the lab.
- Fifth grade is working on their third Excel spreadsheet assignment. So far they have created charts, shopping budgets, and expense tracking sheets.
- Third and 4th grade have explored a myriad of topics utilizing Google as a research tool. Now they are creating PowerPoint presentations utilizing their research. I am consistently amazed with their creativity, ideas and their willingness to share what they figure out with each other.
- First grade has worked with iPads quite a bit, using Letter School to practice tracing the letters and numbers and Teach Me 1 to review their math, writing, and pattern skills. They have visited the lab a few times for Star Reading tests as well as for practice using the mouse and the keyboard. We have visited several websites to talk about safety on the internet and to practice typing and finding letters on the keyboard.
- Second grade was introduced to PowerPoint through a short presentation on End Punctuation. They will continue with PowerPoint next week. This week second grade learned about internet safety.
- Kindergarten spends their technology time getting to know the many age-appropriate educational apps we have loaded on TCS iPads. Their favorites include: LetterSchool, Starfall, Doodle Buddy, Pattern Recognition, and their most favorite, Teach Me K. Last week, the kindergarten group visited the lab for the first time this school year. In the lab, we practiced using the mouse by playing Bees and Honey and we learned about the alphabet and backspace keys.
Lizzie spends time during her last day at TCS working on an iPad in Mrs. Lewis's class. We will miss you, Lizzie.