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Meet Justin Nelson, TCS 7th & 8th Grade Science Teacher

The Christ School is excited for you to get to know Justin Nelson, 7th &  8th grade Science Teacher. Today began Justin’s 19th year of teaching. Over his career, he has taught middle school math and various high school sciences (biology, anatomy and physiology, marine and environmental science). He says, “I have taught science for 14 years. I love teaching science because it allows us glimpses of God in the world around us. God is revealed through the majesty of His creation and it is exciting to be able to integrate faith into the classroom.”

Originally from the Boston area, Justin attended Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania, and earned his Bachelor of Science in sports medicine.  After college, he taught for two years in New Hampshire, where he met and married Thea, who teaches 1st grade at The Christ School. They lived in California for two years, and moved to the Atlanta area where they lived and worked for the past 14 years, most recently working at Mt. Paran Christian School with Aaron Farrant, Head of School. The Nelsons have two children: Trevor, who is in 6th grade at TCS, and Aila, who is in 4th grade at TCS. Trevor enjoys playing baseball and Aila enjoys dance.

In addition to teaching, Justin has coached middle school and high school soccer for the past 14 years, working with youth recreation teams, middle school boys’ and girls’ soccer, and varsity girls’ soccer teams. He holds an Advanced Regional Coaching Diploma through the NSCAA (National Soccer Coaches Association of America). We are delighted that in addition to his teaching role at TCS, he will also serve as our Boys’ Soccer Coach.

“I am very excited to be teaching at The Christ School,” Justin says. “I look forward to getting to know the students and their families. I really enjoy engaging with students in a way that fosters creativity, develops character, and provides students with a lens with which to view the world.”  

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