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Preparing for the Dominican Republic

In preparation for the Dominican Republic mission trip, the eighth grade Bible class listened intently as Emily Luker with Middle School Student Ministry at FPCO, shared her personal experiences from summer mission trips to the DR. Emily has been privileged to travel five times with summer projects and sponsors a young woman who lives there. Emily challenged the eighth grade students to prepare their hearts for God to do great things in and through them. She also shared that she never expected the DR to feel like a second home, but it does and she loves every minute she has spent there. She described it as a place you are “free to be yourself” and that the students will experience being exhausted and empty, yet full because of God’s work in them. The students are also preparing to share details about their upcoming mission trip with their 4th grade Bible Buddies this Thursday and will have the opportunity to visit other lower school classrooms in teams of two to talk about their trip on Friday.

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