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TCS Exudes Joy!

The Christ School was delighted to receive this wonderful message from one of our neighbors. Our love and joy shines through and spreads to those around us! We are excited to share the message with you:

“I drive by The Christ School in the morning on my way to work. It took me several months before I realized that this is an amazing way to start my day. I might even say, it adjusts my thinking and starts my day on a positive note. Each morning I see families walking their kids to school. Without exception, these families are animated and happy and interacting with each other. One day I thought I was going to have to rescue a mom from the street. She was laughing really hard with her daughter (I thought she might fall over)! One morning I witnessed a dad putting his arm over the shoulder of his son as his son was telling him something. Suddenly the son was wrapped in the dad’s arms as they laughed and his other son jumped in. What joyful moments! I finally realized how happy these children are to go to school. They wouldn’t be this happy on their way if they were going to be miserable at school. I called the school to tell them this and learned that they work hard to make school a welcoming place, not only for children, but for families. They are obviously succeeding. The perhaps unintended benefit of this school is the impact they have on the neighborhood. I look forward to driving by in the morning! I hope I am not the only one who notices.”