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Why TCS is the Best School, According to a 3rd Grader

Written by Crew Fawscett, Miss Bowman’s Third Grade Class, Spring 2023

Have you ever wanted a school that has fun events or a school that has more subjects to learn or a school that learns about the Bible? If you do, you should go to the best school, The Christ School.

The first reason why I think The Christ School is the best school is because of their wonderful events. For instance one of the amazing events called the Mane Event. Parents go to where they host the event and donate to help the kids at The Christ School. Another great event is the Mother-Son event. Moms and sons go to the field and have so much fun. The events make your kids have so much fun and love the school more.

Another reason why I think The Christ School is the best school is that they have a lot of subjects. They have the main subjects English and math and other subjects like Social Bridges and Instruments. Students learn how to play instruments and follow their passion for music. Students in lower school (TK -5th grade) have ten subjects and middle school (6th -8th grade) have 7 or 8 subjects. More subjects help your kids learn way more than they need too.

The last reason why I think The Christ School is the best school is that we are a Christian school. We learn about the Bible every single day. This makes kids learn about Jesus and be like him. If your kids go to The Christ School they will grow into kind people like Jesus.

In conclusion, making your children go to The Christ School can make them better people and make them be smart, so sign your kids in The Christ School.