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Transitioning From Middle School to High School

by TJ Ross, TCS Director of Middle School

The transition from The Christ School (TCS) to high school can seem far away as a 5th, 6th, or even 7th grade parent.  Whether your little entrepreneur is selling their goods at the 5th grade store or your child is learning high-level math in middle school, preparing them for the next chapter in their educational journey starts sooner than you think.  

How is TCS preparing your child for high school?
The Christ School’s portrait of a graduate states that our students are prepared to perform with distinction at the next academic level, committed to being others-oriented, and secure in his or her identity as a child of God.  The track record for TCS’s ability to positively shape the minds of children is evident.  For example, of the 17 valedictorians at Boone High School in the class of 2018, seven were graduates of The Christ School.  Additionally, since TCS began offering Florida’s end of course exam for Algebra 1, our students have consistently exceeded the standards set out by the Florida Department of Education.  TCS partners with families by walking them through the high school transition process during their child’s 8th grade year.  This process includes guiding students in creating a résumé, relaying information related to each family’s choice high school, and helping with high school course selections.

How does TCS shape the hearts of children?
During your child’s middle school years at TCS, they are exposed to an array of identity forming experiences. Our service trips, in state and out of the country, and Biblical worldview curriculum help students identify who they are as image bearers. Combine these identity forming experiences with sports offerings led by Christian coaches, opportunities to express oneself artistically in musical theater, choir, and art, a robust curriculum that builds year-over-year, and passionate Christ-loving teachers, and you have a beautiful recipe for success in high school and life.

How can you prepare your child for high school?
As your child journeys through middle school, a shift of responsibilities should occur.  The process of relinquishing control while monitoring your child’s progress is key when fostering their independence. Some children embrace responsibilities and take ownership, others may need more encouragement and support. However, slip ups happen for all children. Anticipating these mistakes, letting them happen when appropriate, which is often the hardest part, and helping your child glean insight from them is crucial to their development. Before you know it, the habits, behaviors, and principles you’ve modeled and outlined during the middle school years will be reflected in your child.

When the time comes to choose a high school that fits your child and family best, whether public or private, The Christ School is here to support and assist you along the way.  We have built close relationships with many of the local schools throughout the Greater Orlando area and are glad to be a resource for you and your family.