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Welcome Rachel Parks

The Christ School extends a warm welcome to Rachel Parks, 6th and 7th grade Language Arts and 6th grade Math teacher.  “I am a mother of three (Nathan, Hannah and Samuel, a 7th grade TCS Lion), a dog-lover (our dog is named Lucy), an avid reader, and entertaining enthusiast,” she says. “I am at home anywhere as long as I have a book!  I love to make my home welcoming to others whether for small gatherings or larger events. The holidays are my favorite, but my door is always open to family and friends, new and old. I also love live music and watching performances of just about any kind.”

“This is my 14th year of teaching,” says Rachel. “I have always been drawn to teaching, in one capacity or another. My first job was as a summer camp counselor at the YMCA. Since then, I have always found myself in teaching, counseling, and mentoring positions.”

“The most rewarding aspect of teaching is the privilege of being a part of a student’s life over the course of a school year, and often beyond,” she continues. “I love to see my former students and am amazed at all of their accomplishments. It is a wonderful honor to have played a small role in the development of another human being.”

“I am enjoying being a teacher at TCS,” she says. “The Christ School family has embraced me as well as my son Sam who is a new student this year. We both feel so welcomed and encouraged each day! Our school is a very special place and we are so happy to be here.”

“My favorite part of being a middle school teacher is teaching different groups of students throughout the day. It is so interesting how the dynamics change with each group. I don’t have a favorite subject, as each has interesting aspects about it, but I do enjoy sharing my love of reading with students.”

“One of the things I am very much looking forward to teaching this year is a unit on the wisdom of Mr. Rogers with our 6th grade students,” she says. “There are many lessons that we can learn from Mr. Rogers, and I hope to connect these to the real-life issues facing our students today.”

Rachel shares her favorite Bible verse:  Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. – Proverbs 4:23

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