Lions’ Sports Update: March 13, 2013
TCS 4th grade boys brought home the second place ACYS basketball trophy.
Way to Roar, Lions!
Middle School
Congratulations middle school for a job well done out on the competition track, fields and courts.
Our tennis team roared this past Saturday in their tournament, placing fourth in the Greater Orlando Athletic Conference.
Parker Mealey shined playing through to the final round and placing second in the tournament.
Both our girls’ and boys’ track & field teams placed a strong fourth at Monday’s conference championship meet. So many ribbons to count and personal best records!
Thank you to our coaches and athletes for ALL your hard work and dedication to the Lion’s Pride.
We are so proud of your work! Way to Roar, Lions!
Lower School
Thank you to Coach Garris and the 4th grade boys’ team for bringing home the second place trophy.
Nice work, Lions!
Congratulations to all our basketball teams and coaches for a great tournament!
All our teams battled with the spirit of a LION!
Way to Roar, Lions!!
3rd & 4th grade Girls’ Volleyball
It’s time to warm-up your serve!
TCS is offering a volleyball clinic for our current 3rd and 4th grade ladies. Clinic days are April 9, 10 & 11, 3:35 – 5:00 p.m. in the gym.
Clinic registration can be found on RenWeb under Resource Documents and is due March 22.
Tennis Program
Spring Session I
Next class will be Wednesday, March 13, 4:00 p.m. at Fort Gatlin.
Swim team practice will start Friday, March 15, 4:15 p.m. at Lake Highland.
Bring a towel and your goggles.
Next practice is Thursday, March 14, 4:30 p.m. for the boys and 5:30 p.m. for the girls at College Park Presbyterian.
Please check Renweb for all athletic contests, announcements, forms and information.
Forms and information flyers can be found under Resource Documents.
For all athletic questions please contact Coach Wiborg.