Middle School Parents – Coming Soon to an Email Box Near You
In an effort to better coordinate middle school specific communications, we have created a middle school website. The purpose of this website is to provide parents with “one stop shopping” for teacher information, middle school topics and middle school events. It is not intended to be a narrative, a photo display or to replace RenWeb. The site will contain bulleted points regarding dates to remember and reminders. It will also include a brief FAQs section on middle school related topics and a page for each teacher to provide easy access on matters like field trip information, how to use Zinc, and class information (i.e. syllabus, learner contract).
You will receive an email on Monday, August 20, with the link to the website. To simplify use, you will receive an email directing you to the link when the website has been updated.
The website is a work in progress. If you have any questions or ideas regarding the Middle School Update contact, contact Mary Crimmins.