Middle School Science Fair
The annual Middle School Science Fair allows TCS middle school students the opportunity to dig deep into the world of science through research, project design and presentation. Congratulations to all of our Middle School Science Fair Winners!
Best of show – Will Dobson, “Metal Madness”
8th grade winners:
1st place-Sarah Berger, “Box Busters”, an experiment on acceleration and momentum
2nd place- Dominick Orlando,“Hot or Cold”, an experiment on magnetic strength
3rd place- Hallie Millard, “How Much C in Citrus”, an experiment on which fruit has the most vitamin C
Honorable mention- Austin Williams, “Renewable Insulation Materials”, an experiment on different forms of insulation
7th grade winners:
1st place- Cara Eakins, “A-Viary Tasty Tweet”, an experiment on color preferences of birds
2nd place- Luke Gidus, “Filtering It Out” an experiment on sand and Brita filters
3rd place- Sydney Haselden, “Dietary Ducklings”, an experiment on weight gain in ducklings
Honorable mention- Emma Schrago, “All the Dirt on Pollution”, an experiment on where Orlando has the most air pollution