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Open Letter to The Christ School

Open Letter to The Christ School
The Christ School recently received a letter in commendation of the athletes who comprise The Christ School’s 7th and 8th grade girls’ basketball team. We are extremely proud of their exemplary behavior; demonstrating their leadership skills and being others-oriented. Please join us this Friday, November 13, at 8:15 a.m. in the FPCO Sanctuary, as we celebrate these students in Chapel. Please enjoy the letter below:
“Hello, my name is Isabella Feld and I play middle school basketball at Trinity Prep. I am number 21 for TPS. I just wanted to ask if you could share this message with your girls’ middle school basketball team and let them know that they have amazing sportsmanship and were very supportive after the game today (Monday, November 9). I got injured during the 3rd quarter, and I don’t know if I will be able to play the rest of the season, but I am happy I got to finally play against my favorite team – TCS. Your team is very respectful of the other teams and is a very hard team to beat, which is why you are my favorite team to play – I like a challenge. Thank you so much for the compliments after the game and thank you for being really supportive of me after I got injured. I really appreciate it! Your middle school girls basketball team came up to me afterwards, because I couldn’t get up to walk for the high fives after the game, and said “Are you ok? You did great out there! You are a really great basketball player and shooter!” I felt so happy and confident that I will be able to play again and hopefully against your team soon! Thank you so much for the opportunity to play such a great team like yours! Thank you so much! Have a great week!”

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