Safety is First
TCS staff and FPCO Security have noticed some families stopping in the active traffic lane of Church Street to drop children off in the morning. Please know this is not authorized by TCS and presents a danger to your children and the general public.
There are metered spaces on three sides of the school campus, and the parking garage for those of you who wish to drop off or walk your child(ren) into school.
If you are not going to walk your child(ren) to the door, please watch and make sure they have entered the building before you leave.
Also, please do not drop off child(ren) before 7:45 am. There are no TCS staff present in the Angel Wing area until 7:45 am. The school doors open at 7:50 am.
Thank you for helping keep our students and your children safe. If you have any questions, please contact Bill Herlong.