TCS Enrollment Anniversary
Friday, February 15, is The Christ School’s Enrollment Anniversary date. Your child(ren) will automatically be enrolled for the 2019-20 school year and no deposit is required. If you do not plan for your child(ren) to attend The Christ School in 2019-20, parents must notify the school in writing no later than February 15. It is very important for families to understand the terms of the continuous enrollment contract and that if a family makes a decision not to return to TCS after February 15, 100% of the tuition for the upcoming school year must be paid.
If you will be applying for financial assistance, please note that you must complete a new FACTS Grant & Aid application each year. The deadline for submitting your application for the next school year is the same date as the school’s enrollment anniversary date – February 15. Assistance offers will be distributed by the end of March. FACTS Grant & Aid applicants who cannot accept their offer of assistance will have the option to be released from the terms of their Enrollment Contract after the anniversary date. For questions, contact Bill Herlong, Director of Operations.