TCS Supports Children’s Tumor Foundation
Each year TCS raises funds for various organizations through our Cashual Days. This year, one of the organizations that we supported is near and dear to our hearts – The Children’s Tumor Foundation.
TCS student, Lilly Ann Brooks, has been an active spokesperson for NF for many years. She and her father, Bill Brooks, have been instrumental in raising awareness and funds to support The Children’s Tumor Foundation and its fundraising efforts. You can learn more about Lilly Ann’s role and her passion for Jesus Christ at: http://www.ctf.org/R4R-Southeast/FL-Lilly-Ann-Brooks.html .
The Christ School raised $600 (over twice what was raised through any other Cashual Day this year) to benefit The Children’s Tumor Foundation. Thank you for your support of this wonderful young lady and her work with such a great cause.