Please Accept the Call
TCS parents and Trustees will be calling each TCS family next week to ask for your support of the 2012-2013 Annual Fund. We have begun what promises to be a year of significant growth and excitement for The Christ School community. To continue this growth, we need your help! Please respond favorably to the Annual Fund caller – your fellow class parent. Help us reach 100% parent participation. Gifts can be made anytime before the June 30, 2013 Fund deadline and all amounts are appreciated. The ChristSchoolis a 501(c) (3). All gifts to the Annual Fund are 100% tax deductible. Gifts can be made online or via mail. For more information, please contact Joanne Fleming, Director of Development.
Thank you to The Christ School families, Trustees, faculty, staff, grandparents and community supporters who have already made their gift to the Fund. Thank you to the TCS parent callers. Please accept their call.